Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on 911

On the morning of September 11th, 2001, four Boeing passenger jets were hijacked within an hour by nineteen Arab terrorists armed with box cutters. Pilots among these terrorists took control of the commercial planes and changed course towards targets in New York City and Washington D.C. Two of the planes were deliberately crashed into the nations political and financial centers, causing fires within the towers, which melted the steel support structures, thereby causing the buildings to collapse completely. A third airplane was deliberately crashed into the Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth plane overpowered the hijackers and caused the airplane to crash in Pennsylvania. This was an attack on America planned and directed by Osama Bin Laden as the leader of Al-Qaeda, a previously obscure anti-U.S. international terrorist organization composed of mainly Arabs. This horrible tragedy crippled the airline industry and shook America’s sense of security. After this horrible attack A mericans suffered not only physically but psychologically also. Because of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Americans were affected in five key ways, which in turn will affect American society in the way it responds, reacts, and recovers. The first way that Americans were affected by the 9/11 attacks was the role that the media played by showing detailed coverage to American citizens. This caused Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in some Americans that watched the terrible acts unfold. Jennifer Ahern and Sandro Galea, wrote that â€Å"Exposure to graphic television images may exacerbate psychological symptoms in disaster situations. We tested the hypothesis that more frequent viewing of television images of the September 11 terrorist attacks was associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and that direct exposure to disaster events had a interactive effect with media viewing (1). We recruited 1,008 adults of the borough of Manhattan of... Free Essays on 911 Free Essays on 911 On the morning of September 11th, 2001, four Boeing passenger jets were hijacked within an hour by nineteen Arab terrorists armed with box cutters. Pilots among these terrorists took control of the commercial planes and changed course towards targets in New York City and Washington D.C. Two of the planes were deliberately crashed into the nations political and financial centers, causing fires within the towers, which melted the steel support structures, thereby causing the buildings to collapse completely. A third airplane was deliberately crashed into the Pentagon. Passengers on the fourth plane overpowered the hijackers and caused the airplane to crash in Pennsylvania. This was an attack on America planned and directed by Osama Bin Laden as the leader of Al-Qaeda, a previously obscure anti-U.S. international terrorist organization composed of mainly Arabs. This horrible tragedy crippled the airline industry and shook America’s sense of security. After this horrible attack A mericans suffered not only physically but psychologically also. Because of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Americans were affected in five key ways, which in turn will affect American society in the way it responds, reacts, and recovers. The first way that Americans were affected by the 9/11 attacks was the role that the media played by showing detailed coverage to American citizens. This caused Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in some Americans that watched the terrible acts unfold. Jennifer Ahern and Sandro Galea, wrote that â€Å"Exposure to graphic television images may exacerbate psychological symptoms in disaster situations. We tested the hypothesis that more frequent viewing of television images of the September 11 terrorist attacks was associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression, and that direct exposure to disaster events had a interactive effect with media viewing (1). We recruited 1,008 adults of the borough of Manhattan of... Free Essays on 911 September 11, 2001, will be remembered as one of the most horrific and unbelievable days ever experienced in the United States. The events of this day certainly affect every American, and likely affect every person in the world in some way. Between 7:45 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. EDT - Four airplanes were hijacked from east coast airports. 8:46 a.m. EDT - The first airplane crashed into the North tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. 9:03 a.m. EDT - The second airplane crashed into the South tower of the World Trade Center. 9:43 a.m. EDT - The third airplane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C.. 10:05 a.m. EDT - The South tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. 10:10 a.m. EDT - The fourth airplane crashed into a field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. 10:28 a.m. EDT - The North tower collapsed. 5:20 p.m. EDT - A third building at the World Trade Center collapsed. Approximately 260 people died in the four airplanes. Approximately 120 people died in the Pentagon. Approx imately 3,000 people died in the World Trade Center When we look back on September 11, 2001, we think mainly of people. We mourn for the victims of the attacks, we empathize with their families, we honor the rescue workers, and we reflect on our own experience. At the same time, we remember all of the technology of that day the airplanes that the hijackers used as flying bombs, the buildings they damaged and destroyed, and the heavy equipment used in the massive rescue and then clean-up effort. â€Å"As reports circulate that the U.S. is planning to scale down its troop commitment in Iraq, President Bush has vowed that U.S. forces will not leave the region before both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are captured or killed. In an interview with London's Financial Times published Friday, the president said a U.S. pullout was ‘inconceivable’ in Iraq and Afghanistan, saying troops will remain ‘until the job is done. Period.’ Asked whethe...

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